About Us

Established in 1976 by Dorothy Vorhees, Four Hills Neighbors was created to promote friendship among women residing in Four Hills Village. Members enjoy participation in quarterly luncheons, various activity groups and special events sponsored by FHN throughout the year. We have established a true community here for fun, friendship and a sense of belonging.

FHN Governing Board 2024-2025

President: Merrill Gallegos
1st Vice-President (Welcome Representatives): Jennifer Lopez
2nd Vice-President (Activity Groups): Ellen Powell
Secretary: Sonje Beal
Treasurer: Pam Moon

Standing Committee Chairpersons

Birthday Luncheon: Carolyn Rigirozzi / Mary Ross
Borrower’s Bonanza: Martha Barrera
Charitable Donations: Maria Berry
Historian: Clara Iriarte
Holiday Arts and Crafts: Louise Dooley
Hospitality: Irina Hill
Luncheon Centerpieces: Charlene Flynn/ Michelle Montgomery
Luncheon Logistics: Karen Rice
Luncheon Programs: Teresa Kelsh
Luncheon Reservations: Cathy Cone/Rae Ellen Vitiello
Membership: Margo Olsen/ Dawne Settecerri
News and Notes Editor: Michelle Abreu/ Laura Trawicki
Nomination Committee: Carolyn Rigirozzi

FHN Documents

FHN or FHVA :: What’s the difference?

Two organizations based in Four Hills Village (FHV) serve this community: Four Hills Neighbors and Four Hills Village Association. These organizations serve different functions but work together.

Four Hills Neighbors (FHN) is a women’s social organization founded in 1976, to promote friendship and support local charities.

The Four Hills Village Association (FHVA) is recognized by the City of Albuquerque and the County of Bernalillo as the official neighborhood association for the suburb of Four Hills Village. It was originally founded in 1970 (prior to this area being in the City of Albuquerque) as the Four Hills Village Homeowners Association (though it was not a legal homeowners’ association, even then). Its mission then and now, and since 2017 as the FHVA, is to represent FHV’s residents and property owners in matters concerning the city, county, and state governments and departments (including Open Space and APD); to provide liaison with public K-12 educational institutions; and to coordinate with area organizations that have similar interests. Overall, its objectives are the promotion and protection of all things helpful toward the betterment of the environment and community welfare of the residents of Four Hills Village. More information about the FHVA can be found on its website at www.fhva.org.